well, got some difficulties logging in the web site but its okie now...just finish meeting with my lecturer regarding the assign 1 n the reality is i not sure i'm doing... :(
actually, he did give me another week to finish wat i start but i'm not sure whether i can finish i or not..anyway, i guess its the biggest obstacle so far in my degree studies as if i can do this..the rest will be peice of cake...well, i guess i jus hate programming..its not tat i dun know how to try but jus tat too lazy to learn and sit around for hours jsut cracking my head to figure the solution/bugs out..i know as i was taking this course i will subject to this kind of life in real world but i jus cant figure it all out...anyway, one thing lead to another and i guess its really far far away fromt the discussion topic oledi... ^_^
well, nothing much going on today..jus tat hav to pass up my project tommorow stil got bits to catch up..i guess its okay n gonnna finish tonite one..then on monday, another project and next tuesday..the interinm report..well, next week gonna be really really busy...ya, about the report...the last 2 chapter still got to rush and hope everything going fine..yaloh...hope so loh...jus a click of mind..next thursday the assign 1 is due loh...eeeeeee.....jus cant think of it!!!!!!..aaaaaarrrrrggggggg!!! jus hope to release the tension....look like gonna play the squash again.....eeeeeeemmmmmmpppppppp!!!!!
well, look like bragging too much here....seem like an old laddy complaining about life but just a flash of my mind....u hav to pass ur day whether its happy or not...so the choice is urs as to choose whether u wan to pass the day in a happy mood or not....well, saying is easy but if u really want to do it..its another story...hehehee.. i guess its true.. :O)
well, i guess tat all...my feeling better now...well, compare to jsut now after the discussion n jus cant log in to this site..i guess a problem share is a problem solve...just nice to blurt everything out n my shoulder is not that heavy liaw i guess.... :O)
p/s: jsu hope i mange to finish all the assign this week n next week n dun play play anymore....well, dun wan to wastet the lecture effort n hope on me....
ya, one more thing..jus finish watching the chinese movie yesterday and frankly its quite a nice story..well, quite an achievement as i jus finish wathching 30 episode in 2 days or 1n half i guess.........hahhahhahaa